ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proxy pattern

Imagine you want to go to a fancy restaurant with your parents, but you are too young to make a reservation yourself. So, your parents ask their friend, who is good at making reservations, to help them book a table.

The "proxy" in software design works in a similar way. It acts as a middleman between the client and the actual object that the client wants to use. The proxy's job is to make sure the client can access the object without knowing much about it.

Here's an example. Imagine you have a program that needs to retrieve data from the internet. Instead of accessing the internet every time the program needs data, you can create a proxy that caches the data. The proxy is responsible for determining when to retrieve new data from the internet and when to use the cached data it already has.

So, in a way, the proxy is like your parents' friend making a reservation for you. It helps your program access the data it needs without having to do all the heavy lifting itself.
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