ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Learning speed

Learning speed is how fast or slow someone can understand and remember new information. When you learn something new, your brain has to work really hard to make sense of it and remember it for later. It’s like a puzzle that your brain needs to complete. Some people can finish this puzzle quickly while others may need more time to finish it.

Think of it like running. Some people can run really fast, like a cheetah, while others may run slower, like a turtle. Similarly, some people can learn things very quickly like a cheetah, while others need more time to understand things, like a turtle.

But just like running, you can train your brain to learn faster. You can practice reading, writing, and taking in new information to help your brain get better at it. And just like running, you should always try your best and not give up, even if you’re not the fastest or slowest learner in the class.