ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Left-wing nationalism

Left-wing nationalism is like when you have a bunch of people who belong to the same country and they all want good things to happen for their country, but they also want a fair and equal society for everyone in it. It's like when you and your friends all want to play a game, but you also want to make sure that everyone has the same chance to win.

Left-wing nationalists believe that the government should help take care of everyone in the country, especially those who might not have as much as others. This could mean things like making sure everyone has access to healthcare and education, or making sure that people have jobs and are paid fairly. They also believe that everyone should be treated equally, no matter what their background is.

Some people might think that left-wing nationalism is bad because they think it means that people are being selfish and only caring about their own country. But actually, left-wing nationalists believe that a strong, fair and equal country is good for everyone in the world, not just the people who live in it. It's like when you make sure your friends are fed and happy, you are actually making the whole playdate better for everyone.