ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Leucism is a big word that means some animals have different color fur or feathers compared to other animals of the same type. It is like wearing fancy clothes that make you look different from your friends.

Sometimes an animal with leucism might look like they are wearing a white coat or have big spots of white fur. This happens because they don't have the same color pigments (the things that make colors) that other animals do. So they might have less or none of the colors that make up their regular coat, or they might have white feathers or fur in places where they usually don't.

Leucism is different from albinism, which is another big word. Albinism means an animal doesn't have any pigments, and they have white or pink eyes and skin too. So animals with albinism look very pale or white everywhere. Animals with leucism can still have normal-colored eyes and skin, and sometimes they just look a little different on the outside.

Animals with leucism might look very cool and unique, but they are still the same kind of animal as their friends with regular fur or feathers!