ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Level-set method

Level-set method is a way of coloring and describing shapes in a picture. Imagine you have a coloring book with different sections that you want to fill in with color. Each section is a shape like a circle or a square.

Now, imagine you draw a line around the edge of each shape. This line is called a boundary. With the level-set method, we use this boundary to create a map of the shapes in the picture.

The map is like a treasure map, and we use it to find where the shapes are. It tells us where the shapes start and end, and which parts are inside and which parts are outside. We can move this boundary around to change the shape of the object.

We can also use the map to do some math. We can calculate the area of the shape, find its center or even its distance from other shapes. With the level-set method, we can create detailed pictures and drawings that help us understand and analyze the shapes around us.