ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Liège Revolution

Hey there! So, a long time ago in a place called Liège, the people who lived there didn't like the government that was in charge. They felt like they were being treated unfairly and weren't getting the things they needed. So, they decided that they wanted to make some changes and have a "revolution," which means they wanted to overthrow the government and make a new one.

During this revolution, the people of Liège did a lot of things to show that they were unhappy with the way things were. They protested and demonstrated, which means they got together and marched around to show that they wanted things to be different. They also started taking control of important buildings and areas in the city, like government buildings and the city hall.

The revolution lasted for a while, and there were a lot of fights and battles between the people and the government. In the end, the people of Liège were able to win and they got to make their own government that they felt was better for them.

So, the Liège revolution was basically when the people who lived in Liège wanted to change the way things were going, and they were able to do it by protesting and taking control of important places in the city until they got the change that they wanted.