Libidibia coriaria is a plant that is often called Divi-divi. It is a type of tree that is found in places like the Caribbean, South America, and parts of Africa. The tree has really cool looking leaves that are shaped like little feathers.
But the coolest thing about this plant is its seeds. If you've ever played with a Frisbee, the seeds of the Divi-divi tree look just like one, but smaller. They are flat, round, and have a hole in the middle. These seeds are often used for art and crafts, like making jewelry or decorating clothing.
But the seeds of the Divi-divi tree also have a practical use. They are used to make a type of natural tanning solution for leather. Leather is made from animals, like cows or sheep, and it can be stiff and not very comfortable to wear. Tanning is the process of treating the leather to make it softer and more durable.
Traditionally, tanning leather involved using harsh chemicals that were not very good for the environment or for the people who worked with them. But people have been using the seeds of the Divi-divi tree for hundreds of years to make a natural tanning solution that is safer and better for the environment.
To make the tanning solution, the seeds are boiled in water. The water turns a dark color, and the leather is soaked in the solution until it is soft and pliable. The resulting leather is beautiful and looks a bit different from leather that has been tanned using chemicals.
In summary, the Divi-divi tree is a plant that has really cool leaves and seeds that look like Frisbees. The seeds of the tree are used to make a natural tanning solution for leather that is safer and better for the environment than traditional chemical tanning methods.