ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Well, have you ever played with toy blocks before? Libvirt is like a toy box that has a lot of different blocks inside that you can use to build things.

Now, instead of building with toy blocks, we are building virtual machines (VMs) on a computer. VMs are like computer 'playgrounds' that you can use to run different types of operating systems or software without needing to buy a whole new computer for each one.

Libvirt is a set of tools that lets you control and manage those VMs. It helps you create them, move them between different computers, and even change how much memory or CPU power they need to run.

Libvirt also supports many different types of VMs, not just one specific kind, so you can use it with lots of different setups.

So, think of libvirt like a toy box with lots of different blocks that help you build and manage virtual machines on a computer.