ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


"Like" is a word that we use when talking about something. It's kind of like a little helper word. It can help us compare things or express our feelings. For example, if you see a toy that you really want, you might say "I like that toy!" That means you think the toy is cool or fun.

We can also use "like" when we want to compare things. Let's say you have two picture books, one with a story about unicorns and one with a story about dragons. You might say "I like the unicorn book better than the dragon book." That means you prefer the book about unicorns more than the one about dragons.

Sometimes people use "like" too much in their speech. It's important to try not to use it too often or it can become distracting or annoying. But overall, "like" is a really helpful word for expressing our thoughts and feelings!
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