ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Limitrophe states

Okay kiddo, let me explain it to you in a way you can understand.

Limitrophe states are countries that are located on the border of another country or countries. They share their borders with other countries but they are not completely surrounded by those countries.

You know how some houses have a fence around them? Well, limitrophe states are like the houses that have a fence only on one side - their fence is shared with another country! Imagine you live in a house that has a fence on one side and your neighbor lives on the other side of the fence. That's how limitrophe states are - they share a border with their neighbor.

For example, Canada is a limitrophe state to the United States because it shares a long border with the United States, even though it also has coastlines on other sides. Similarly, Mexico is a limitrophe state to the United States because it shares a border with the United States.

In summary, limitrophe states are countries that border another country but are not completely surrounded by that country. They only have one side that's fenced in, and that side is the border they share with their neighbor.