ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Line chart

Hey kiddo!

Do you know what a line chart is? It's a way of showing numbers or data on a graph using little dots connected by lines.

Imagine you have a piece of paper with a line drawn down the middle. On the bottom, you write some numbers that represent different points in time or different categories you want to compare. Maybe it could be years, months, or different types of fruit you like.

On the left-hand side of the paper, you write some more numbers that represent the amount of something you want to track. Let's say it's how many bananas you've eaten each week.

Now, you take your pencil and make little dots on the paper where the two sets of numbers intersect. Then, you connect those dots with straight lines.

Ta-da! You've made a line chart! You can easily see how many bananas you've eaten each week over time.

Line charts are useful because they help us see patterns and trends over time or between different categories. We can use the chart to make predictions about what might happen in the future.

So next time you need to show some data or compare two things, try making a line chart!
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