ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Liquid-mirror telescope

Okay kiddo, have you ever looked in a mirror? You see your reflection right? That's because mirrors reflect light. Now imagine if that mirror was made of a liquid, like water. That's what a liquid-mirror telescope is.

You see, telescopes are big tools that help us see really far away things in space, like stars and planets. The thing is, they have to be really big to see these things clearly. But making a big mirror is hard and expensive. So, scientists came up with a cool idea. They made a mirror out of a rotating liquid, so the mirror could be really big but also lightweight.

Here's how it works. First, they pour a special liquid, like mercury, into a big circular container. Then, they make it spin really fast, so it makes a flat surface on top. When they shine light onto the liquid, it reflects off the flat surface like a normal mirror. But, because the container is spinning, the mirror can change its shape, making it really flexible and adjustable.

So, people can use this liquid-mirror telescope to see the stars and planets really clearly, but without having to spend a lot of money on a big mirror. Isn't that awesome?