ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

List comprehension

List comprehension is like magic for making new lists without having to use a lot of complicated code. It's like a special recipe for creating a list that only takes a few ingredients and instructions.

Here's how it works: Imagine you have a recipe for a delicious pizza, but instead of pizza, you want to make a list of your favorite toppings. You can use list comprehension to create that list in just a few lines of code!

First, you start by writing a simple formula that describes what you want in your list. This formula might include a list of items you want to include or some other conditions. For example, if you only want to include toppings that start with the letter "p," your formula could be "for topping in pizza_toppings if topping.startswith('p')".

Next, you take this formula and put it inside square brackets, like this: "[formula]". This tells Python that you want to create a new list using this formula. So if you write "[topping for topping in pizza_toppings if topping.startswith('p')]", it will create a new list of toppings that start with the letter "p".

Finally, you can add any other things you want to your list comprehension. For example, you could add a function or a condition that modifies the items in your list. When you put all these pieces together, you have a powerful tool for creating new lists quickly and efficiently.

In summary, list comprehension is a way to create a new list of things you want by writing a simple formula and putting it inside square brackets. It's like a magic recipe for making lists!
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