ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Literary inquisition

Okay, so imagine you love stories and books, and you like to read them all the time. Now, imagine there were some people who didn't like certain stories or books for some reason. Maybe they thought the stories were bad or dangerous in some way.

These people were called the "literary inquisition," and they would go around asking questions about books and stories to see if they were good or bad. They might ask you what you thought about a certain book, or they might ask the author themselves why they wrote the book they did.

Sometimes, if the literary inquisition didn't like a book or story, they might try to stop people from reading it. They might make the book illegal or burn it or take it away from people who had it.

The literary inquisition doesn't really exist anymore, but there are still people who have strong opinions about books and stories. It's important to remember that everyone has their own ideas about what makes a good book, and just because someone doesn't like it doesn't mean it's not worth reading. In the end, it's up to you to decide what you like and what you don't like when it comes to books and stories.