ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Localization of a ring

Okay kiddo, let's say you have a toy ring. Now, imagine there are lots of different toy rings just like yours all over the world. But even though they all look the same, they might have different names or be made of different materials depending on where they were made.

That's kind of how it works with rings in math. A "ring" is a special kind of math thing where you can add and multiply and do some other things with it, like you can with numbers.

But just like there are lots of different toy rings, there are lots of different rings in math. And sometimes, depending on what country or what group of math people you are talking to, they might use different names or different rules for their rings.

So when we talk about "localizing" a ring, what we really mean is that we want to zoom in and look at just one specific kind of ring, out of all the possible rings out there. It's like we're picking up one toy ring and saying, "Let's look at this one really carefully and figure out everything we can about it."

When we do this, there are different ways we can zoom in and look at the ring more closely. We might pick a certain number or a certain point on the ring and study what happens around that point. Or we might look at how the ring behaves in a certain situation or equation.

By localizing a ring in this way, we can learn more about its unique properties and understand how it fits in with other rings in math. So just like you might learn more about your toy ring by looking at it closely and comparing it to other rings, math people can learn more about different kinds of rings by localizing them and studying them in detail.