ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Log analysis

Log analysis is like looking at a diary of everything that happens on your computer or website. Just like how you write in your diary to remember what you did and how you felt, your computer writes down all the actions it performs and any errors or problems it encounters.

Log analysis means reading through this diary to understand what's happening and why. It can help you find problems or mistakes, like if your website is loading slowly or if your computer crashes all the time. By looking at the diary, you can see where the problem happened and maybe even figure out how to fix it.

Log analysis also helps you see patterns in what's happening. For example, you might notice that lots of people are clicking on a certain button on your website, but they're not actually buying anything. This could help you figure out what's confusing or unappealing about that part of the website, and how to make it better.

So basically, log analysis is like looking at a secret diary that your computer keeps to help you figure out what's working and what's not.