ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, imagine you have a special notebook where you write down all the information you learn about a certain subject. Let's say you're really interested in animals, so you create a notebook called "Animalia". In this notebook, you write down all the information you learn about animals, like what they eat, where they live, and how they behave.

Now, imagine you're a famous scientist who studies animals. You also have a notebook like the one we just talked about, but it's a little different. It's called a "logia". In your logia, you write down all the information you learn about a specific group of animals. Let's say you study birds, so you create a logia called "Ornithology".

In your ornithology logia, you write down everything you learn about birds. Not just general information like what they eat and where they live, but really detailed information about their anatomy, behavior, and evolutionary history. You might take notes on the different types of feathers that birds have, or how they communicate through song. You might even draw pictures of the different bird species you've observed.

So, a logia is basically a notebook or collection of information that's really specific to one subject. It's usually used by experts or scientists who study that subject, and it contains really detailed information that's not found in a general, everyday notebook.