ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Logical equivalence

Logical equivalence is like having two different ways to describe the same thing. Imagine you have two puzzle pieces that look different, but when you put them together, they fit perfectly and show the same picture. That's how logical equivalence works in math.

In math, we use symbols and words to describe things. Logical equivalence is when we have different symbols or words that may look different, but they actually describe the same thing. For example, 1+1=2 and 2-1=1 may look different, but they are logically equivalent because they both show that two things added together makes two.

Another way to look at it is by using a logic table. A logic table is like a chart that shows all the possible outcomes of a situation. For example, if we have two switches, we can make a logic table to show when both switches are on, off, or when only one is on.

When we compare two logic tables and see that they have the exact same results, we say that they are logically equivalent because they describe the same situation but in different ways.

Overall, logical equivalence is all about finding different ways to describe the same thing. It's like having different puzzle pieces that fit together to show the same picture, or using a logic table to see that different situations have the same outcomes.