ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Lubunca is a type of secret language used by some members of the LGBTQ+ community in Turkey. It is a fun way for people to communicate with each other without others understanding what they are saying.

Let's say you want to talk to your friend about something that you don't want your parents or other people to hear. You can use Lubunca to keep your secret safe. It is like having a secret code that only you and your friends can understand.

Lubunca uses a lot of slang words and phrases that are not normally used in everyday language. For example, instead of saying "hello" you might say "selamunaleyküm" in Lubunca.

People who use Lubunca also often use different hand gestures and secret signals to communicate with each other without anyone else knowing what they are saying.

Overall, Lubunca is a fun and creative way for people to express themselves and communicate with each other while keeping things private.
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