ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Luke 15

Luke 15 is a part of the Bible that tells three stories about lost things. In the first story, a shepherd has 100 sheep, but one of them wanders off. The shepherd goes out to look for the lost sheep and when he finds it, he is very happy and throws a big party to celebrate.

In the second story, a woman has ten valuable coins, but she loses one. She searches her whole house until she finds it, and then she throws a big party to celebrate.

In the third story, a father has two sons. The younger son asks his father for his inheritance early so he can go live on his own. He goes off and spends all his money on foolish things until he has nothing left. He becomes so poor that he has to take a job feeding pigs.

One day, he remembers his father's house and decides to go back, even though he thinks his father will be angry with him. But when his father sees him coming from far away, he runs to him and welcomes him back with open arms. He throws a big party to celebrate and is overjoyed to have his son back home.

The three stories in Luke 15 teach us that God loves us no matter what, even if we wander away or make mistakes. Just like the shepherd, woman, and father searched for and welcomed back their lost things, God will always welcome us back with open arms and celebrate when we come back to him.
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