ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lunar mare

Okay, so you know how the moon looks like a big rock in the sky? Well, it's not just a regular rock. The moon has different parts, kind of like a pizza has crust, sauce, and toppings. One of the parts of the moon is called a lunar mare.

A lunar mare is a big, dark area on the surface of the moon. It's like a big splotch or stain, but it's not made of dirt or anything like that. Instead, it's made of lava that flowed out of the inside of the moon a long time ago.

You know how when you leave pizza in the oven too long, the cheese gets all melty and gooey? That's kind of what happened with the moon. It used to be really hot inside, and that heat made lava flow out onto the surface. Then, when the lava cooled down and hardened, it made the dark area called a lunar mare.

There are lots of lunar mares on the moon, and they're all different shapes and sizes. Some look like big round pancakes, while others look like long skinny rivers. Astronauts have even landed on some of the lunar mares and walked around on them!

So there you have it, a lunar mare is a big, dark area on the moon made of cooled lava that flowed out from the inside a long time ago.