ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lunar surface

The lunar surface is the ground on the moon. It looks different than the ground on Earth because it doesn't have any plants, animals, or water. It's also covered in a dusty layer called regolith, which is made up of small rocks, dust, and other materials.

If you were to stand on the lunar surface, you would see that the ground is covered in small craters, hills, and valleys. Some of these craters are very big, and they were formed when asteroids or other objects crashed into the moon's surface a long time ago.

The lunar surface is also very dark because it doesn't have an atmosphere like Earth does. There is no air on the moon, so there is nothing to scatter the sunlight and create a blue sky. This means that during the day, the sky on the moon looks black, and during the night, it is filled with stars.

Since there is no air on the moon, there is also no wind. This means that any footprints or tire tracks made by astronauts who visited the moon during the Apollo missions are still there today, exactly as they were left almost 50 years ago. These footprints and tracks are like a time capsule, reminding us of the incredible feats of human exploration that have taken place on the lunar surface.