ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lydersen method

The lydersen method is a way of measuring the size of fish. It's named after a man called Johan Lydersen who came up with this method. Normally, when we want to measure something, we use a ruler or a tape measure, right? But that's not always easy when it comes to fish because fish are slippery and they like to wiggle around.

So Johan Lydersen came up with a cool trick to measure fish that doesn't involve a ruler. He figured out that you can use a piece of string or a flexible tape measure instead.

Here's how it works: you take the string or tape measure and wrap it around the fish's body, just behind its gills (that's the part of the fish's head where it breathes). Make sure the string is snug against the fish's body, but not too tight. Then, you mark the length of the string where it meets itself.

Next, you take the string off the fish and lay it flat next to a ruler. You use the ruler to measure how long the string is from one end to the mark you made with the fish. That length is the size of the fish!

People use the Lydersen method a lot when they're fishing and want to know if they've caught a big fish or a little fish. It's a pretty neat trick, huh?