ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

MARPOL 73/78

MARPOL is like a big rule book for how ships have to behave when they're in the ocean. It tells them what they can and can't do, so that they don't hurt the ocean or the animals that live there.

This rule book was created in 1973 (that's the 73 part of MARPOL) and it had some rules for how ships should not dump garbage or oil into the ocean. But over time, people realized that more rules were needed to protect the ocean, so they added more rules in 1978 (that's the 78 part of MARPOL).

Now, MARPOL has rules for all kinds of things that can harm the ocean, like how to deal with sewage, garbage, and chemicals that ships might carry. It even has rules for how fast ships can go, to make sure they don't hurt marine animals with their big waves.

All ships that travel in the ocean have to follow these rules, so that everyone can have a clean and healthy ocean to swim, fish, and play in.