ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

MECE principle

Okay kiddo, so the MECE principle is a way to organize things or ideas so that they don't overlap or miss anything important. It's kind of like organizing your toys into different bins based on their color or type so you don't lose any or forget where they are.

Let's say we have a big box of different fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, and pineapples. If we want to use the MECE principle to organize them, we might separate them into different groups based on some common factor. For example, we could group all the citrus fruits (like oranges) together in one group, and all the non-citrus fruits (like apples) in another group. This way we can make sure we don't forget any fruits and avoid having any overlapping groups.

The important thing to remember is that using the MECE principle helps us to be organized and make sure we don't miss anything important. It's a useful tool to have, whether you're organizing fruits or ideas!