ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so let's pretend you're a scientist and you want to study things that are too small for you to see with your eyes. How do you do that? Well, you can use a special tool called a microscope to make things look bigger. But sometimes, even a microscope isn't enough to see really tiny things clearly.

That's where something called an FPA (which stands for "focal plane array") comes in. An FPA is like a special camera that can pick up on things that are too small for our eyes to see. It does this by using teeny tiny sensors that can detect really small amounts of light.

Now, the MK II FPA is just a specific kind of FPA that's used in a lot of scientific equipment. It's been designed to be really good at detecting infrared light, which is a type of light that we can't see with our eyes. This means that scientists who use the MK II FPA can see things that are invisible to us, like heat sources and radiation.

So basically, the MK II FPA is a tool that helps scientists study things that are too small or too invisible for us to see normally. It's like having special superpowers that let us see things that are hidden from view!