ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ma Jun (mechanical engineer)

Ma Jun was a person a long time ago who liked figuring out how to make machines work better. Machines are things like cars, trains, and even things like the toaster or the washing machine at home. People who figure out how to make machines work better are called mechanical engineers.

Ma Jun was a very important mechanical engineer who lived a very long time ago in a place called China. He was very good at figuring out how to make things work better, and he became famous for it.

Some of the things that Ma Jun did were making better and more efficient water-powered mills, which helped people grind flour and rice faster. He also improved things like crossbows, which were used for hunting and warfare. Back then, these were some pretty big deals because they helped people work more easily and could even help protect them from enemies.

So to sum it up, Ma Jun was a smart person who loved to build things that made life easier for people, and he did it a really long time ago in China.