ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mac Mini

A Mac Mini is a small computer made by a company called Apple. It's like a little box that you can connect to your TV or computer screen and use to do things like surfing the internet, playing games, watching videos and doing schoolwork.

Think of it like a toy that you can use to play games on your TV, but it's also a really useful tool for grown-ups too. It's small and easy to move around, so you can take it with you if you need to work or study elsewhere.

Just like any other computer, you'll need to connect a mouse and keyboard to it to use it. You can also connect other devices like cameras, music players, and printers to it.

Apple made the Mac Mini so that people who want a computer but don't have a lot of space can still have one. It's also less expensive than some of the other Apple computers, so it's a good option if you're on a budget.