ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Macaulay's method

Macaulay's method is a mathematical way of figuring out how much a beam or a structure will bend when weight or force is applied to it. It is named after a clever man named Colin Macaulay who figured out this formula.

Imagine you have a long stick or a beam that you want to bend by putting some weight on it. First, you need to measure the length of the stick or the beam. Then you need to divide it into tiny little pieces or sections.

Let's pretend that the beam is one meter long, and you divide it into ten sections of 10 cm each.

Now, you need to figure out how much the beam will bend when weight is put on it. To do that, you need to know three things:

1. How much weight is being put on each section.
2. How far each section is from one end of the beam.
3. A little bit of math.

For example, if you put 1 kg of weight on the first section of the beam and 2 kg of weight on the second section, and so on, you need to know how far each section is from one end of the beam.

Let's say the first section is 0 cm from one end of the beam, the second section is 10 cm from one end of the beam, and so on.

Now, you use Macaulay's method to figure out how much the beam will bend when weight is put on it. You do this by multiplying the weight on each section by how far that section is from the end of the beam, and then adding up all those numbers. Then you divide that number by something called the "EI" value, which is a property of the material that the beam is made of.

This will give you the amount that the beam will bend when weight is put on it.

So, in short, Macaulay's method allows you to figure out how much a beam or structure will bend when weight is put on it by breaking it down into tiny sections and using some math to find the answer.