ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Maglev (transport)

Maglev transport is a type of transportation that uses magnets to make things move without touching the ground. It's like when you play with magnets and they either stick together or push away from each other.

In a maglev train, there are two sets of magnets. One set is on the train itself and the other set is on the track. When the magnets on the train get close to the magnets on the track, they either repel or attract each other, which makes the train move.

Because the train doesn't touch the track, it doesn't have any friction or resistance, so it can move really fast and smoothly. This means that maglev trains can go faster than regular trains or even cars on the road.

The technology for maglev transport is still very new and not many places have maglev trains yet. But in the future, we might see more of them because they are fast, efficient, and good for the environment because they don't use gas or oil like other forms of transportation.