ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Launch loop

A launch loop is like a really big, long, and strong string that can help lift things up very high into the sky. Think of it like a giant slingshot or a catapult! Instead of using rubber bands or ropes, the launch loop uses really strong magnets to move a pod or a vehicle along the loop.

The launch loop is also really long - like a big, long track or a rollercoaster. It can be as long as 3,000 kilometers, which is almost as wide as the distance from Los Angeles to New York! This allows it to go up high into the atmosphere, almost close to space, and send things like satellites or other spacecrafts off into orbit.

To use a launch loop, you first need to get your spacecraft or payload attached to a pod that will ride along the track. Then, the pod is put into the loop and sent around it at super high speeds - almost as fast as a bullet train! As the pod goes around the loop, it gets faster and faster until it's going at just the right speed to launch the payload into space.

The launch loop is really cool because it can help spacecrafts reach orbit more efficiently and cheaply than traditional rocket launches. It can also help us explore and learn more about space!