ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Orbital ring

An orbital ring is like a big wheel in space. It doesn't touch the ground, but instead it circles around the Earth like the moon. It's made up of a bunch of different parts, kind of like a car has wheels and engines and windows.

The orbital ring would be really big, much bigger than any building or city. It would have a long cable that reaches down to the Earth's surface, like a really long straw that goes all the way to the bottom of a cup. This cable would be attached to the ground, so the orbital ring wouldn't drift away like a balloon.

People could use the orbital ring like a kind of super-highway. They could travel around the Earth really fast without needing any fuel, because the ring would move using the Earth's own rotation. It would be like sitting in a big, fast-moving train.

Scientists are still working on figuring out how to build an orbital ring, because it would be really hard to make something so big and complex. But if we could do it, it would change the way we travel and explore space!