ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Magnetoreception is when some animals, like birds and fish, can feel and use the Earth's magnetic field like a compass to navigate, just like how we use a map or GPS.

Imagine you are trying to find your way around a big city with lots of tall buildings and no street signs or maps. It would be very difficult, right? But birds and fish have a special sense that helps them find their way in the world. They have tiny particles in their bodies called magnetite, which act like little compass needles. These particles can sense the Earth's magnetic field and help the animals figure out which way is north, south, east, and west.

Just like how you can use the sun and the stars to know which way is east or west, birds and fish can use the magnetic field to get around, even on cloudy or foggy days. Magnetoreception is a very handy skill that helps these animals find food, mates, and shelter, and avoid predators. It's like having a built-in GPS system that never needs batteries!
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