ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Magyar tribes

Long, long ago, there was a group of people called the Magyars. They were a tribe that lived in an area of Europe called the Carpathian Basin, which is now part of Hungary. The Magyars were very proud of their traditions and their way of life.

The Magyars were made up of different groups of people who came together to form a tribe. They had their own language, customs, and beliefs. They were very good at horseback riding, hunting, and fighting. They lived in tents and moved around a lot to find new places to graze their animals and hunt for food.

The Magyars were not always nice to their neighbors, and many people were afraid of them because they were very good at fighting. But in the year 896, something very important happened. The Magyars decided to make peace with their neighbors and become part of a bigger group called the European Union.

The Magyar tribes loved their culture and language, and they didn't want to lose it. They worked hard to keep their traditions alive, and they built big towns and cities where they could practice their customs and share their stories.

To this day, the Magyar tribes are still very proud of their heritage, and they celebrate their traditions with lots of music, dancing, and delicious food. So if you ever visit Hungary, you might see some Magyar people dressed up in traditional clothes, riding horses, and dancing to happy music.