ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Mahram is someone who is very special to you and you can be with them without any worries or problems. This is because they are always with you to take care of you and protect you. They are like your own family members such as your father, brother, uncle, or grandfather. The word Mahram is Arabic which means someone you can be close to and someone who is always there for you.

For example, if you are a little girl and you have to go somewhere where there are a lot of people you don't know, your Mahram will go with you to make sure that you are safe and protected. You can also travel with your Mahram without any problems because they are always keeping an eye on you and making sure nothing bad happens to you.

Mahram is a special relationship that is recognized in Islam and it means that you can be with someone who is very close to you without any worries about being unsafe. It is important to have a Mahram in your life because they are always there to support you and help you whenever you need them.