ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Maja blanca

Maja blanca is a yummy dessert that comes from the Philippines. It's like a pudding made from coconut milk, sugar, cornstarch, and sometimes evaporated milk.

It's really simple to make - you just mix together the coconut milk, sugar, cornstarch, and evaporated milk in a pan and cook it until it thickens. Then you pour it into a dish and let it cool in the fridge.

Sometimes people like to add a little extra flavor to their maja blanca by adding things like sweet corn, fruit, or vanilla extract.

Once it's nice and firm, you can cut it into squares or scoop it out with a spoon and enjoy it as a sweet treat. Some people like to sprinkle it with toasted coconut or cinnamon before serving.

Overall, maja blanca is a yummy dessert that's easy to make and perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth.
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