ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Man overboard

Okay kiddo, imagine you're on a big boat in the middle of the ocean with lots of other people. Sometimes, people might accidentally fall off the boat into the water. This is called "man overboard."

When someone falls off the boat, it's very important that everyone on the boat works together to help them! The first thing they need to do is yell "man overboard!" really loud so that everyone knows what's happening. Then, the boat might stop moving so it's easier to see the person in the water.

At this point, someone might throw a life vest or ring buoy to the person in the water so they can stay afloat. If the boat has a special device called an "auto-man overboard system," it'll beep really loudly so that everyone knows where the person fell off and the boat can turn around to rescue them.

It's very important to be careful on boats and always wear a life jacket in case you accidentally fall overboard. Remember, the most important thing is to stay calm and work together to keep everyone safe!