ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Manner of death

Manner of death is a way of describing how a person died. There are five possible manners of death: natural, accidental, suicide, homicide, and undetermined.

Natural death means that someone passed away because of a disease, illness or their body just stopped working. It's not anyone's fault, it just happened naturally.

Accidental death means somebody died because something unintended or unexpected happened. For example, a person could slip and fall off a ladder and die.

Suicide means that someone intentionally and purposefully took their own life.

Homicide means that someone else caused another person's death, usually intentionally. This can happen if a person attacks or kills someone else.

Undetermined means that we don't know how someone died, or that there are not enough clues to say for sure what happened.

So, when someone dies, investigators look at all the facts and evidence to determine the manner of death.