ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marco Polo

So, Marco Polo was a man who lived a long time ago, a really long time ago, when there were no cars, planes or trains to go from one place to another. He traveled to a place that was very far away from where he lived. He went from Venice, Italy (that's where he lived) to China (that was very far away).

Can you imagine how long it would take to walk from Italy to China? It would take a really long time! But Marco Polo didn't walk, he went on a big adventure. He and his family were traders, they traded things like spices, silk, jewels, and other things that people wanted.

One day, Marco Polo's father and uncle decided to go on a trip to China to trade there. Marco was only a young boy at the time, so he didn't get to go with them. But they were gone for a really long time. Nobody knew if they were okay or what was happening to them. Finally, after many years, they came back home, and they had lots of stories about the strange and wonderful things they had seen in China.

When Marco Polo grew up, he decided he wanted to go to China too. It was a really hard trip because he had to go over mountains, cross rivers, and go through deserts. It wasn't like taking a car or a plane, it was really hard and took a long time. But Marco Polo was brave and he kept on going until he finally got to China.

While he was in China, he saw many amazing things, like big cities with lots of people, temples where people worshiped, and large markets where people sold all sorts of things. He also met the Chinese emperor, and the emperor was so impressed with Marco that he asked him to be his ambassador.

This means that Marco Polo was like a messenger between the emperor of China and other countries. He went back to his home in Italy and then went on many more trips to China, and each time he came back with more stories of the amazing things he saw in China.

Some people didn't believe Marco Polo's stories, but many others did, and they were fascinated by what he had to say. His stories were so famous that they were written down in a book called "The Travels of Marco Polo," and this book has been read by people all over the world for hundreds of years.

So that's Marco Polo's story! He was a brave adventurer who traveled to far-off lands and brought back amazing stories of the things he saw and experienced.