ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Martha of Bethany

Martha of Bethany was a lady who lived a long time ago in a place called Bethany. She was known for being a very kind and welcoming person and often invited people into her home to eat and rest. One day, Martha had some special visitors named Jesus and his disciples. Jesus was a teacher who traveled around and taught people about God's love. Martha was so happy to have them in her home, but she started to feel worried and overwhelmed trying to take care of all the guests and make sure everyone had enough food and drink.

Martha's sister, Mary, sat at Jesus' feet, listening to him speak and learning from him, while Martha was busy cooking and cleaning. Martha became frustrated and went to Jesus, asking him to tell Mary to help her. Instead, Jesus told Martha that Mary had chosen the "better" thing by listening to him and that Martha shouldn't worry so much about all the things that needed to be done.

This story teaches us that while it's important to be hospitable and take care of others, it's also important to take time to listen and learn from people who have wisdom and knowledge to share, like Jesus. Martha was a good person who wanted to do the right thing, but sometimes it's important to remember to take a step back and prioritize what's most important.