ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Matched filter

A matched filter is a tool used to detect a signal that matches a known pattern. Imagine you have a toy box with different shapes like stars, circles, and triangles. If you want to find all the triangles in the box, you can use a special tool called a triangle finder. This tool has a shape that matches the shape of a triangle so that when you slide it over the toys, it only detects the ones that are triangles.

Now, imagine you have a signal made up of waves, like a radio signal. You want to detect this signal when it is transmitted to your phone. But, the signal is weak and it gets mixed up with other signals in the airwaves. This makes it hard for your phone to pick up the signal. This is where the matched filter comes in.

A matched filter is like the triangle finder, but for signals. It is a tool that is specifically designed to detect a particular signal shape. When the signal passes through the filter, only the parts of the signal that match the shape of the filter are let through. This helps to amplify the signal and make it easier for your phone to detect it amidst all the noise in the airwaves.

In summary, a matched filter is a tool that works like a shape detector but for signals. It is used to amplify and detect weak signals that match a particular shape.