ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Matthew 26

Matthew 26 is a chapter in the Bible that tells a story about Jesus and his disciples. Jesus knew that he was going to be arrested and killed soon, so he gathered his friends together to have a special meal with them. This meal is called the Last Supper.

At the meal, Jesus told his disciples that one of them would betray him. This means that one of his friends would turn him over to the people who wanted to arrest him. The disciples were very sad and confused because they didn't know who would do such a thing.

After the meal, Jesus went to a garden to pray. He asked his disciples to stay with him and pray, but they kept falling asleep. They didn't understand how important this moment was for Jesus.

While Jesus was praying, Judas, one of his disciples, arrived with the people who wanted to arrest Jesus. Judas had agreed to betray Jesus in exchange for money. The disciples were shocked and didn't know what to do.

The people who arrested Jesus took him to a trial where he was accused of blasphemy, which means disrespecting God. The people who accused him were very angry and wanted to punish him.

Despite the false accusations, Jesus was eventually sentenced to death by crucifixion, which means being nailed to a cross. This was a very painful way to die, but Jesus accepted his fate and died for the sins of humanity.

Overall, Matthew 26 is a sad but important story about the sacrifice that Jesus made for his followers. It teaches us about love, loyalty, and the consequences of betrayal.