ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Maurer rose

Maurer Rose is a special kind of drawing that is based on a mathematical pattern. Imagine you have a piece of paper with a dot in the middle. Then you draw another dot that is a certain distance away from the first dot. Now, you draw a line connecting the two dots. Next, you rotate the paper a little bit and draw another dot the same distance away from the first dot. You connect this new dot with the last dot you drew with a line. You keep doing this over and over, rotating the paper a little bit each time and connecting the new dot to the last dot with a line.

As you keep doing this, you start to see a beautiful pattern emerge on the paper. This pattern is called a Maurer Rose. The pattern looks kind of like a flower with lots of petals.

The special thing about Maurer Rose is that it is based on a very special kind of math called number theory. The pattern you get when you draw a Maurer Rose depends on some special numbers that have some very interesting properties.

So, in summary, a Maurer Rose is a cool drawing that you can make by connecting dots to form a special pattern based on numbers from number theory.