ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Media portrayal of bisexuality

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a movie or TV show where there's a person who likes both boys and girls? That's called being bisexual. Unfortunately, sometimes the way the media shows bisexual people isn't very nice or fair.

See, some TV shows and movies make it seem like bisexual people are just confused and can't make up their minds about who they like. They might even show them cheating on their partners because they say they're not sure whether they want to date boys or girls.

But being bisexual is a real thing and it's just as normal as liking only boys or only girls. People who are bisexual can have real and meaningful relationships with anyone they choose, and they shouldn't be made to feel bad about it.

That's why it's important for the media to show all kinds of different people and to show them in a positive and respectful way. Because everyone deserves to feel good about who they are, no matter who they like.