ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Media portrayal of asexuality

Okay kiddo, let me try and explain this for you. You know how on TV and in movies we often see people who really like each other and want to be together? Well, sometimes there are people in real life who don't feel that way. They don't have that special feeling that makes them want to be in a romantic relationship with someone. We call these people asexual.

Now, the thing is that a lot of times on TV and in movies, we don't see a lot of characters who are asexual. So it can make it seem like everyone wants to be in a romantic relationship all the time. This isn't true though, and it can make people who are asexual feel like there's something wrong with them.

That's why it's important for TV shows and movies to have characters who are asexual too. It can help people understand that it's okay if you don't feel that way about someone, and that it's perfectly normal to not have those feelings. It can also help people who are asexual feel seen and understood.

So, in short, it's important for the media to show that there are all kinds of people in the world, including people who are asexual. That way everyone can feel accepted and understood no matter how they feel about romance.
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