ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Medical gown

Medical gowns are like special clothes that doctors and nurses wear when they are taking care of someone who is sick. The gown helps to keep the sick person and the doctor or nurse safe from germs that could make them even sicker.

The gown is usually made of a special fabric that is very strong and can't easily be ripped or torn. It covers the front and the back of the doctor or nurse, from their neck all the way down to their feet. This way, they won't accidentally touch the sick person or anything else that could have germs on it.

Sometimes the gown has long sleeves and sometimes it has short ones. The sleeves help to cover the doctor or nurse's arms so that germs can't get on their skin.

Some gowns are disposable, which means that they can be used once and then thrown away. Other gowns can be washed and reused many times.

Wearing a medical gown is important because it helps to keep everyone safe during a medical procedure. It is like a super-hero suit for doctors and nurses!