ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mediterranean Revival architecture

Imagine you're playing with building blocks and you decide to build a house. Now, instead of building a regular house that you see in your neighborhood, let's say you want to build a house that looks like it belongs in a sunny place with lots of beaches, yummy food, and pretty flowers. That's what Mediterranean revival architecture is all about!

Mediterranean revival architecture is a fancy name for buildings that are designed to look like they belong in the Mediterranean region, which is a place in Europe where countries like Italy, Spain, and Greece are located. These buildings usually have lots of unique features that make them stand out.

For example, Mediterranean revival architecture typically has big, open spaces, so it feels like the sunshine and fresh air are coming right in. They often have round, curved arches over doors and windows, and sometimes they have unique materials on the walls, like stucco or tile.

You might have seen a Mediterranean revival building before! They're pretty popular in places where people like to be outside a lot, like in Florida or California.

Overall, Mediterranean revival architecture is just a special style of building that makes you feel like you're on a fun vacation, even if you're just walking through a city or town.