ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mental disorders and gender

Ok kiddo, I'll do my best to explain this to you!

So you know how people can feel all sorts of different emotions, like happy, sad, angry, or scared? Sometimes, people's emotions can become really big or confusing, and they start to feel like it's hard to control them. That's what we call a mental disorder.

Now, here's the tricky part. Mental disorders can affect people of any gender - that means, boys, girls, or people who don't identify as either. But, some mental disorders are more common in certain genders.

For example, girls are more likely to be diagnosed with things like anxiety or depression. That's because girls often feel pressure to be perfect and have a lot of responsibilities, like taking care of their families or doing well in school. Boys, on the other hand, are more likely to be diagnosed with things like ADHD or autism. That's because boys might have a harder time sitting still or paying attention, and sometimes have trouble understanding social cues.

But, it's really important to remember that just because a disorder is more common in one gender or another, that doesn't mean everyone fits into those categories! People are all different, and mental disorders can affect anyone.

Does that help, kiddo?