ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Mercy is when someone chooses to be very kind and forgiving to others, even if those others did something wrong. It's kind of like when you accidentally break a toy and your mom or dad doesn't get mad and punished you for it. Instead, they give you a hug and tell you it's okay and that they still love you. That's because they are showing mercy by forgiving you and not being angry with you.

Sometimes people do things that are bad or wrong, and they might get in trouble for it. But if someone shows them mercy, they are choosing to be understanding and forgiving instead of just punishing them. It's like giving someone a second chance to make things right instead of just getting mad and staying mad forever.

When we are kind and show mercy to others, it can make the world a more peaceful and loving place. So always try to be merciful and forgiving to others, even when they make mistakes.