ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hi kiddo! Today I'm going to explain to you what a metate is!

Have you ever seen a really big plate with a kind of rough surface that looks like it is made of stone? A metate is kind of like that! It's a large, flat, and heavy tool used to grind different kinds of food.

Long, long, long ago, people used to use the metate to grind things like grains, beans, spices, and even chocolate! They would place the food they wanted to grind on the metate's rough surface, and then use another stone, called a mano, to grind it into powder or paste. It's kind of like a giant version of a mortar and pestle you might use at home!

The metate was used by lots of different groups of people around the world for a very long time. That's because it was a very important tool to make food easier to eat, cook, and store! Grinding up food made it easier to digest, and turning it into a powder or paste made it easy to save for later.

Even though we don't use them much anymore, some people still think the metate is pretty cool. It reminds us of how important food is and how hard people used to work to make sure they could eat.

So that's what a metate is, kiddo! A big, flat, heavy tool that people used to grind things like grains, beans, spices, and chocolate. You can check one out at a museum sometime!